jan 25 - on going
Polo CLEVER (Clentech Energy Innovation Cluster) Supports the energy transition and sustainability by offering solutions for energy efficiency, electric mobility, and renewable energy. poloclever Member of the Executive Board |
mar 20 - aug 21
R E D | Research and Design The novel product consumer consulting agency. researchandesign Co-Founder & CTO |
mar 20 - aug 21
ERREGI Elettronica Srl Electronic manufacturer company (partner of RED) erregielettronica General manager - Head of R&D |
jun 15 - mar 19
SHERLOCK srl The invisible GPS antitheft device for bicycles. sherlock.bike Co-founder & CTO |
jun 15 - mar 19
SHERLOCK srl - MATE product The World's smallest bike crash detector. sherlock.bike Co-founder & CTO |
jan 19 - apr 22
NOVA Stark srl The first plug&play AI solution for wine cellar monitoring. nova-stark.com Co-founder & Member of BOD |
may 19 - jul 19
NOVIS lab The first inclusive game console for blind people. novislab.com Industrialization consultant |
jun 18 - dec 19
Politecnico di Torino – Comfort Lab IoT and Wearable Technology for sports, fitness and health sector. presentation External consultant & Researcher |
jan 19 - dec 19
Flex Patch Flexible wireless structural health monitoring system. flexpatchsystem.com Consulntant - R&D manager |
jan 15 – jan 16
MIT, ESA & King’s College London Wearable sensor and actuators for the Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit (MKIII) project. esa.it - presentation Researcher |
feb 14 – dec14
Politecnico di Torino & European Space Agency Petroleum Innovative Environmental Remediation (PIER) project. presentation Researcher |
apr 13– apr 15
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Center for Space Human Robotics Impulse Radio - UltraWide Band data transmission projects. presentation Researcher |